world of krzeslaw

my art

- here's my art...

- but chris, what is art??

- that's a perfectly fine question i am not qualified to answer... i can tell you what this page entails however...

under 'art' i fit everything that is created by me that is not an article or a blogpost. this means my drawings, collages, video things, but also games, css crimes etc etc... a fairly standard definition really now that i write it down... hm...

most of my art from about 2021 to 2024 was created with the intention of putting it on instagram. when putting it here i'll try to maintain the original format as much as possible, unless it is not an integral part of a piece. i am not going to put literally everything off my instagram page, because i don't like some of my older things, and some posts aren't very creative. also things that are on my instagram but aren't instagram-vibey i'm going to put in art

<--!todo: zmienić grafiki na poście na zmniejszone wersje zeby nie pobierało gigantycznych obrazków>