My new awesome site


my name is chris and i'm from poland and this is my site!!!

i'm a hacker (in the old meaning!!) and a guy and I like art and pepsi

i decided to make a webpage to!!!! post my articles/blogposts here (did you know? the difference is usually just if it's paid or not)

I often try to hide my insecurities relating to my person behind a safe barrier of jokes and irony.

I ILIKE ALT INTERNET!!! FUCK CORPOS!!!!! i am old enough to not like it just for the nostalgic value as i used to

my mastodon is uhhhhhh i'm pretty sure? the server is down as im writing this teehee

i also have like 3 other online names including mallo and littleampton and mallo15 (this is a self-callout because i made one of these when i was 8 and there's a ton of embarassing stuff online now lol!!)

this is really caothic but its honestly whats in my head whenever anyone asks me to introducte myself!!!! :PPPP

actually my interests change like every 3 weeks so

oh god this about me is awful everything is awful BYE!!!!!!